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Diana Nicholls is an inspiring woman….
Diana epitomises what these podcast is about with her strength, her power and her vulnerability. All of those things have allowed her to work through some of her toughest battles.
Working through those tough battles Diana has opened herself up to help others in so many ways.
In Part #1 we talk about the pain that is suffered when a woman has endometriosis and what endometriosis is.
We also delve in to Diana’s anxiety, chatting about medication and how she finds her happy place.
While Part #2 is more focused on the birth of her twins at 30weeks and 3 days after a complicated pregnancy we tough on that as well.
Feel free to share this podcast, review and subscribe so this story can help others reach out from their silent suffering.
Diana is a mobile personal trainer and running coach- Diana Nicholls (@dnpt_running) • Instagram photos and videos
Diana also wrote of her mental health journey and pregnancy to premmie twins
More on endometriosis
If you’d like to support this podcast please check out the website (Health and Well-Being Journal coming in December)
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