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This story is extremely close to my heart…
On April 17th this year, my son Ryder was born 10 weeks premature and we face 51 days in NICU and Special Care nursery.
Only a month later a friend from school had her beautiful girl Ava at 26weeks and 6 days.
As a parent you want to be able to help your child and the only thing I want to tell you before you listen is that Emily and partner Michael once Ava was born couldn’t touch Ava for days, there was no initial hold and they barely got to even see their baby girl.
Emily was familiar with the hospital they were at and heard the incoming helicopter which was there to pick up there daughter.
Imagining something like this is difficult but it’s real and it happens and Emily wants to help people be educated and aware that Neonatal Intensive Care Unit exists.
At the time of recording Ava was in hospital for the 82nd day and has been fighting for life for most of it.
While this is can be hard to listen to, it’s real and Emily, Michael, myself and my wife want you to listen so you can help yourself or help someone else who may go through it.
This is a book of a friend who had her twin girls 10 weeks early
Only 3% of births are before 32 weeks and they are very premature babies and need immediate care and it’s a bloody long road.
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