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Ryan Hassan joined me from The Centre for Healing.
Warning- “mention of suicide and drug use”
Ryan was in a heavy spiral of drugs and reached a point where the choice was either death or jail or get help.
Before that; He critiques me live on my first practice session doing Root Cause Therapy. Here how I went, as I did my first ever session on my teacher. I may have made the teacher cry, which in this instance was a great thing. Maybe I have a future in helping people with root cause therapy?
Ryan and Mel run a successful root cause therapy business, along with teaching the modality to others who now use it to help people.
Ryan speaks about being in jail, being heavily reliant on drugs and over dosing every second day. Ryan struggled with anxiety from Grade 3 or 4, but back then Ryan thought it was normal.
Root Cause Therapy allowed Ryan to go back to the childhood memories that affected him. Those memories as adults don’t seem like a big deal, but as a kid they are huge and that emotion and those feelings stick with you and cause a belief system in you.
Listen and find out more about therapy and be inspired on how Ryan turned his whole life around.
Check them out here https://thecentreforhealing.com.au/
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‘Speak up, speak out’