Cold to Calm
Over the years I’ve done a lot of work on myself to have a better EQ, but over the past couple of years as fatherhood entered my life, I realised I was still a bit too reactive for my liking.I’ve always floated the idea of cold showers but just never did it. Fear? Unco...
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Bowling for my life
On Saturday morning I found myself holding back some tears before heading to Narre Warren to kick off my first tournament playing singles (lawn bowls).It was in those moments where it all started to set in how important Lawn Bowls had become to me over the past couple ...
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Do something... domestic violence
After the recent attacks in Bondi it made me think about my wife and young children. What if it was them that was attacked by a man in a rage filled attack?As the tears fell down my cheeks, despite not being abusive or violent myself I still knew I had so much I could ...
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"Perception is the way in which something is regarded, understood or interpreted"Having conversations with friends and family as I wrote my book, I realised it was important to recognise that when reliving these stories of the pain, of the suicidal tendencies, the thou...
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Someone struggling
“Someone struggling doesn’t need, nor want sympathy. They need and want kindness and compassion”.Quite often I’ve had conversations with people that say someone is looking for attention when they act out with mental health issues. There seems to be a negative connotati...
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Intrusive Thoughts
What do I do when those intrusive thoughts start to get a bit more serious?Well, the plan is always to be proactive and not have them but reality has it for me, for now that my mind still enters dark places.Thoughts of suicide, thoughts of hurting myself and many o...
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Are they token days or not?
World Suicide Prevention Day and RUOK?Day have come and gone, and I think as society we are starting to understand the benefits of what these days bring.As a suicide survivor I wanted to put to paper my thoughts as each year I ride the rollercoaster of emotions that co...
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Lying under my bed, wanting to die!
It’s a question which comes up quite often - “why do you do this?” Or something similar in reference to me being completely open about my mental health struggles. A lot of things do come to mind and some of them I talk about in other pieces of writing.It keeps coming b...
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What is success?
I was thinking the other day about passion and being successful… I realised that despite never having financial abundance and to be honest, never really being able to set myself up that I have been extremely successful in a way which is way more meaningful to my so...
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Suicidal Thoughts
In the end - they are just thoughts but it becomes a problem when they are continually suppressed and not talked about. For someone who isn’t experiencing these thoughts and doesn’t understand them, it is a really challenging thing to hear… In my 20 y...
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Giving Back
Why the charities I have picked?Each journal sold means a donation is given to all of the below three charities. Below is why I have hand picked the three charities. Journals are available in the shop section of the website.Why Mindfull Aus?Mindfull Aus is a non-for-pr...
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What makes you happy?
What makes you happy? A major problem with happiness is that so often people focus on external factors to create their happiness. For us at PSV it’s about going inwards for happiness and making sure we are empowering ourselves to be intrinsically happ...
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Why did I start Power, Strength & Vulnerability? – Why do I do what I do?
After a suicide attempt, I was very open about the mental health diagnosis and the fact I had battled a lot of these issues for around 10 years.From there I had many people who I looked up to come to me and share their stories. These were some of the best footballers i...
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Do it for you, Do it for those around you
This journal was founded during the most challenging time of my life.In my life I’ve attempted to take my own life, admitted myself in to a mental health clinic and suffered internal bleeding when my kidney was torn playing footy, but none of that compared to the c...
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It's on you
Blaming someone for your anxiety, your stress or your depression just can’t happen. The anxiety, stress and depression is your reaction and yours alone to what has happened. When you blame someone else a few things happen.1. You empower someone else with your feelings ...
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Investing in yourself is always worth it
Two years ago I walked in to a mental health clinic after reaching breaking point. I was scared when I walked in the doors and when my wife drove off it really hit home.In the podcast released in December I discussed the fact my life was at breaking point and how inves...
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Twelve tips leading in to holidays
It’s the final weeks of 2021. Christmas & New Years are often the source of great happiness, laughter and joy but for many, it can be quite the opposite.Knowing this all too well, we sat down and wrote a few points & tips that could help you or someone you ...
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You Can Thrive Too
Trigger Warning- Blog mentions suicide. Please seek professional help if you are triggered.Chatting to a 19-year-old with a lot more wisdom than I had at 19. It was an open discussion around mental health and mental health issues.Word filtered through to us tha...
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The Second PSV Mental Health Cup
To say the second PSV Mental Health cup went off without a hitch would be a complete lie.- Only two weeks earlier we went into a snap lockdown and fear was that we may have another (thankfully reduced capacity of crowd was all we had)- Our main speaker pulled out h...
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Adventure All Stars
The best thing I’ve done for my mental health.... (this will not be the best thing for everyone and I know some people genuinely can not do this)It’s going to be a really strange one for some to hear but it’s been spending money on it.You see from 17-30 years o...
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What I learnt in the mental health hospital part #2?
That would be the understatement of the century so far.I was planning to give weekly, or at least fortnightly blogs whilst studying, and I was about to start taking practice clients for the therapy I have been studying.COVID-19 then hit, and quickly it looked l...
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My top 10 tips
That would be the understatement of the century so far.I was planning to give weekly, or at least fortnightly blogs whilst studying, and I was about to start taking practice clients for the therapy I have been studying.COVID-19 then hit, and quickly it looked l...
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What a big change in a short amount of time?
That would be the understatement of the century so far.I was planning to give weekly, or at least fortnightly blogs whilst studying, and I was about to start taking practice clients for the therapy I have been studying.COVID-19 then hit, and quickly it looked l...
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What I learnt in the mental health hospital- Part #1
First off, a lot of what I learnt is common sense but, in our lives today- we don’t use enough of it. We try to make things as hard as possible, thinking better, longer, higher, faster, more and we take it all to the extreme.#1 thing for me was routine and it was m...
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Anxiety is a good thing
A key word in that magnified piece of writing.Feeling….That’s exactly what anxiety is, a feeling.It’s a terrible feeling, but a feeling all the same.In my opinion we don’t respect it enough.Happiness, joy, excitement, amusement are just a few other ...
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The Power, Strength & Vulnerability Cup
It’s been a while since I have posted on the website, but I have been working away at some big things.The first thing is a charity cricket match which will become an annual event.The game will feature 30 of the best local cricketers in the Eastern Suburbs of Me...
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It’s been a while
“I’ve spent the last 8 months eating chocolate, ice cream anddrinking beer”I sat there and just wanted to drive back home.It’d been a tough day, where I was on edge all day and had two panicattacks.I was sitting in the car park of the compound training faci...
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It was 8am and the alarm clock went off. My stomach felt like there was a knot tied in it. My heart was racing, and there was a pain in my chest.I knew it was anxiety, but it didn’t stop the panic in me. Your head tells you what it is, but your body doesn’t allow a...
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Important update
You may have read the other blogs as I discussed my plans to run from Melbourne to Adelaide.Unfortunately I’ve had to pull out due to some physical injuries I’ve had and am having.It was the hardest decision I’ve ever had to face as I felt guilt, shame, embarra...
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Pancare Foundation - Australia’s Pancreatic Cancer Organisation
The second foundation I am raising money and awareness for is the Pancare Foundation which is a non-for-profit national organisation for Pancreatic cancer.This is in memory of Alicia’s dad who passed away a few years ago.
Hearing Alicia speak about her dad over t...
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Outside the Locker Room
The first organisation I want to raise $10,000 for is Outside The Locker Room.Melbourne 🏃♂️- Adelaide (Dec 26th)I’ve been following Jake and this foundation since very early on and I wanted to see it grow.I believe it’s something I could’ve used as I enter...
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About me
It was on February 6th, 2010 when my whole world changed and it was given a purpose bigger than myself.I woke up to the words “Are you ok?” and my reply, “If I’m alive, I’m not OK”At that moment, I had survived a suicide attempt.Eight years of pain and suff...
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